Some health benefits of marijuana worth putting to the test


We all know medical marijuana has a ton of benefits, but what are they, exactly? Aside from the common response of treating PTSD & arthritis, here are 10 more health benefits of marijuana.


Slows Tumor Growth –
The American Association for Cancer Research has found that marijuana considerably slows down tumor growth, specifically in the lungs, breasts and brain.


Prevent Alzheimer’s –
The Scripps Institute, a non-profit American biomedical research facility, found that THC works to prevent Alzheimer’s disease by blocking deposits in the brain that cause the disease.


Relieve Chronic Disease Symptoms –
Research has shown that marijuana helps treats symptoms like nausea, diarrhea & abdominal pain, which, in turn, helps those who suffer from chronic diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s.


Treats Migraines –
In California alone, doctors have used medical marijuana to treat over 300,000 cases of migraines, a condition that will affect 25% of women and 8% of men in their lifetime.


Prevent Seizures –
Marijuana is a muscle relaxant, which has contributed to it being a highly effective treatment for seizures. Many of the stories of medical marijuana we see in the news are related to seizures.


Treat Glaucoma –
Studies have suggested that marijuana helps ease the pressure in the eyes of those suffering from Glaucoma, helping reduce pain.


Relieves PMS –
While there haven’t been clear facts showing that marijuana directly affects premenstrual syndrome symptoms, anecdotal evidence points in that direction.


Helps those with ADD & ADHD –
A well-documented study has actually shown that marijuana is not only an effective product alternative to Ritalin, but also without the side effects associated with the drug.


Could help Multiple Sclerosis –
Marijuana works to stop the negative neurological effects & muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis. The drug actually protects nerves from damage caused by the fatal disease.


Calms those with Tourette’s & OCD –
Much like how cannabis can be used to treat those with seizures and multiple sclerosis, it can also reduce the tics of those with Tourette’s or OCD by reducing negative neurological effects.


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