11 Crazy And Funny Stories From Emergency Room Nurses

“We, of course, explain to her that cola is not an appropriate food to be giving to her child.”

“Truly amazing how much this gets thrown at us NHS nurses when somebody can’t get their own way… Do they not realise that we pay taxes too?”

“She was at LEAST 80 years old”

“Racism is surprisingly common. I am British but not white so I face a lot of these comments. Sometimes I can be on an entire shift without a white British staff member… If you’re a racist, I have one thing to say to you… ‘Grow the f**k up.'”

“We end up giving them an IV instead since they were adamant they didn’t want a suppository.”

“After much deliberation and a look through their medical records, we realised they meant “Sickle Cell” as in anemia.”

“This was truly one of the most bizarre excuses I’ve ever heard for a dildo stuck up the butt. This patient insisted that he was minding his own business, running as he normally does in the morning when a dildo wielding assailant appeared and started chasing after him. He claimed he tripped and that’s when our mysterious dildo man inserted the toy… Did we believe him… No… and they never caught the dildo wielding man.”

“These types end up in the ED often and often they just need to go home and sleep it off. Discharge is often queried with “How am I supposed to get home?!” Why is that my problem? The Ambulance Service is not your personal taxi service.”

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