14 Examples Prove That Therapists Know All The Right Questions

“Do you think that story you’re telling yourself is accurate?”


“Is that going to matter 5 years from now? How about 5 months? 5 day? Will it even matter 5 hours from now? Then why are you wasting more than 5 minutes worrying about it?”


“Wouldn’t it be nice if for once someone would take care of you?”


“Why do you keep referring to yourself as having anger issues and emotional issues?”


“If you weren’t related to your relatives, would you be friends with them?….if no, then why does it matter so much to you what they think?”


“You’re free to lie to me. Have you considered, not lying to yourself?”


“What are you hearing me say?”


“Do you think your grief is about the relationship ending or is your grief about what you think could have been and how you thought it was going to be? It was the latter.”


“What does the emotional feeling you’re having feel like in your body?”


“At what point does trying become doing?”


“Why do you always seek their approval, when you’ve never approved of their choices?”


“Are you the same person as you were before?”


“Does that actually make you a bad mother or does it just not live up to the impossible standard you have set for yourself?”


“Are you upset because of something someone said, or are you upset because of the way you heard it?”


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