These 14 bizarre thoughts will bend your brain in ways you never expected, making you question reality, logic, and maybe even your own existence.
“Your bite force is stronger when you’re upside down.”
“The zombie movies “28 Days Later”, “28 Weeks Later”, and “28 Years Later” will be released in alphabetical order.”
“Life as a baby must be terrifying, with weird giants around who feed you, clean you, pick you up, put you down as they please. They hold you in pens. They strap you in and take you to places for no clear reason. They could easily hurt you but usually don’t, yet you don’t know what’s even happening.”
“If you weigh 99 lbs and eat a pound of nachos, are you 1% nacho?”
“Why aren’t iPhone chargers just called “Apple Juice”?
“Everything” bagels don’t quite live up to the hype.”
“Digorno is also delivery now thanks to Uber.”
“How do you throw away a garbage can?”
“Considering he introduced fireworks, smoking specific herbs, certain types of foods, and raucous Dwarven parties to the Hobbits; as well as turning up to the Shire to celebrate for centuries the hobbits must see Gandalf as some kind of deity of hedonism.”
“If you felt like your day went by fast, someone else in the world likely felt like their day went by slow, but time went by at the same rate regardless.”
“If you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean, or is the soap dirty?”
“When we yawn, do deaf people think we’re screaming?”
“If you’re waiting for the waiter, aren’t you the waiter?”
“Why is it called a building when it’s already built?”