15 Photos Will Prove You That Smile Changes Everything

“She was playing outside her home in the village of Kakhsar…”

“She was walking toward the Lavender metro station one hazy afternoon…”

“He was playing with his brothers in the family compound, having just returned from school…”

“He was waiting on the side of a dusty road…”

“He was walking along the stone Ghat steps…”

“She was exploring the stunningly restored, 1,300 year old, Kaiyuan Temple complex…”

“She was playing with her mom on a dirt lane off the main road…”

“He was walking down Mathura Road one morning…”

“She was with a group of dancers taking a break from recording a church choir music video…”

“He was walking down a street one afternoon with his family…”

“She was walking beneath the trees on the street next to the Jalan Besar Sports Centre one afternoon…”

“He was standing guard one morning outside Udaipur’s City Palace…”

“She was with a group of children and elders, one rainy afternoon…”

“He was walking down a colonnade of covered shops, restaurants, and cafes one afternoon…”

“She was walking with her family in Midland, as the sun set over the apartments…”

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