15 Remarkable Facts From The Past

Prepare to be amazed as you discover the incredible and sometimes unbelievable tales that history has left behind.

” Kane Tanaka lived to the age of 119 (1903 – 2022). Some context for just how long Tanaka lived: She was 11 when WW1 started, 36 when WW2 started, 74 when star wars was released and 116 when COVID-19 started.”

“During the ming dynasty, a method was used where smallpox scabs were ground into a powder and blown into the noses of healthy individuals.”

“Elizabeth II was on the throne for over a quarter of the United States’ existence..”

“There were archaeologists in *Ancient* Egypt studying about *even more* ancient Egypt.”

“We live closer in time to TRex than TRex did to Stegosaurus. Dinosaurs were here forever.”

“King George III known as the ‘Mad King’ apparently suffered severe mental illness the majority of his life. He was tied to chairs, gagged, bled, left in freezing rooms to try and ‘treat’ him.”

“The rings of Saturn are younger than Stegosauruses.”

“Bobby Leach was the second person to ever go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. He survived, but his injuries kept him hospitalized for six months. He died 15 years later from injuries sustained after he slipped on an orange peel.”

“Sharks have been on earth far longer than trees. The first sharks arose over 100 million years before the first tree.”

“The head of German military intelligence during WW2 was providing the Allies with intel.”

“In 90 years from 1841 to 1930 Ireland’s population halved, from 8.4 million to about 4 million. The Famine started the decline, but emigration sustained it – Ireland’s population didn’t start growing again until the 1960s, and there are still about 2 million fewer people living there (Eire and NI) than in 1841.”

“Carrots don’t improve eyesight, that’s World War Two propaganda made up by the British to cover up the existence of radar”

“It took 60 million years for nature to develop bacteria that could digest trees. In fact that is where coal comes from”

“The last “official” civil war widow died in 2020.”

“Fax machines were invented in 1843, well before the telephone.”

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