15 Unusual Items That Hold Surprising Meanings

Just when we believe we’ve encountered everything, the unexpected never fails to astonish us. Occasionally, the origins and stories behind certain objects remain a mystery, but there’s always someone out there who can unravel the enigma.

1. “What is this strange piece of plastic for? Any clue what it could be?”

2. “Found this at a Philips shop. What is this thing?”

3. “These are squishy rubber balls a little less than 1/2 inch in diameter with divots. Found about a dozen in the street outside my house.”

4. “Flying over an area outside of Tucson and we saw this hole, and it looks like it has water in it.”

5. “Found this object in the kitchen of a deceased relative. About 18 inches long, the puck-shaped end is heavy solid metal.”

6. “An aluminum puck scraped by road, the top part looks like 2 machined pieces separated by a rubber O-ring. A heavy thing shakes within.”

7. “It’s upside down but appears to be a feeder or nester of some sort attached to the top of the fence by the previous owner. What is it?”

8. “A green glass faceted item — not an ashtray. It is also hollow, which makes it much different.”

9. “What is this thing hanging outside my fireplace? It seems to have gears inside of it and pivots into the fireplace.”

10. “A metal gun, looks like trigger housing or something, found while metal detecting.”

11. “What is this leather thing that was in a subscription box? We can’t figure it out!”

12. “My fiancée has this mug and we can’t figure out what Santa is supposed to be holding. It just says holly jolly holidays.”

13. “My husband found this in our new house’s ice maker. What is this?”

14. “Little razors attached to some handle, found on top of the fridge. My husband has no idea either.”

15. “Unrelated ceramic pieces from a cookie jar — no mention in the cookie jar. There are 5. What is it?”

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