16 Fascinating Finds To Pique Your Interest

Prepare to be amused, amazed, and perhaps a bit perplexed, as each item challenges what you thought you knew about the dusty corners of the world. Who knows? The next curious discovery might just be waiting in your own backyard.

“My car is old enough to have a cassette tape player but is new enough that it’s controlled by a touch screen which pauses the tape for Bluetooth calls.”

“The feeder I got from the store already had a sleeping hummingbird on it”

“The lamp in a video I was watching looks like a reflection of the same exact lamp in my living room.”

“Japanese beer cans have. This is alcohol’ written on the top in Japanese and in braille.”

“This new stick of oldspice I just opened has a little ship in the deodorant part.”

“Noticed that my girlfriend’s dad’s arm looks it belongs to her.”

“This McDonalds has replaced all the cashiers with computers.”

“My house has portraits in the crawl space from the original owners in 1960 that have never been moved.”

“Had my red/green color blind roommate sort some jelly beans by color.”

“The spray paint section at Lowe’s.”

“Unseasoned Sour Patch Child found in pack of Swedish Fish.”

“The pattern in this Cedar tree.”

“Golden / holographic US quarter I found at work.”

“The seeds on my strawberry transformed into leaves..”

“Ikea has flat packed chocolate bunnies.”

“This bird just flew onto my finger and then flew away again.”

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