16 Incredibly Interesting Geographical Maps

The world divided into 7 regions, each with a population of 1 billion

Average working hours per week in Europe

A map of cities founded by the Roman Empire

Incredible Antarctica

All countries that use the MMDDYYYY format

Average age per country in Europe

The first day of the week in different countries

The blue color stands for Sunday, yellow stands for Monday, and green stands for Saturday.

European population below the poverty line

The world of time zones

The highest temperature ever recorded in Europe

The percentage of more and less emotional people in the world

The number of US dollar billionaires in Europe

The number in the bottom row is the actual number of billionaires, the number in the upper row is the number of US dollar billionaires per 10 million people.

A map in which each section has 10% of the world’s population

Countries that don’t use the metric system

International dialogue

Different countries’ climate analogs in Australia (the main part)

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