Sometimes, the best knowledge is the kind you didn’t know you needed. These 16 random gems of information are here to entertain, surprise, and maybe even leave you questioning how you didn’t already know this.
“To help prepare for the Napoleonic wars, at Dover castle the grand shaft was built to move some 1000 troops in 12 minutes, in the year 1779. “
“During the production of Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas came into work one day with a cough, and decided that it would be amusing to record it and use it on the new Episode III villain, General Grievous.”
“When the original “Star Trek” became a hit on TV, Leonard Nimoy’s dad, who worked as a barber, offered customers a “Spock cut” at his barbershop. “
“Steven Spielberg beat James Cameron to the film rights to Jurassic Park by “a few hours” and Cameron’s version of the movie would have been “nastier, much nastier”.”
“The largest desert in the world is Antarctica, because a desert doesn’t need to be hot, but only lose moisture more than it gains.”
“In studies conducted by Paul Ekman, Secret Service Agents could spot a lie 80% of the time.”
“When police raided a dog fighting ring in South Carolina, 8 suspects attempted to flee the scene. One of the suspects was taken into custody after one of the dogs chased him and “took him down”. The dog then escaped. “
“John Lennon received a letter from a student telling him his teacher made them analyze The Beatles’ lyrics. Amused by this, he composed “I Am The Walrus” with intentionally confusing and meaningless lyrics to baffle those who tried to analyze the song. “
“The last private owner of Stonehenge, upon gifting it to the public, stipulated that the public should never have to pay “a sum exceeding one shilling” per visit. “
“SSRI antidepressants (Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, etc.) actually make certain areas of your brain bigger that are associated with positive self-thought. These areas are small in a lot of people with anxiety. “
“In the 1950s, physicians performed accurate pregnancy tests by injecting urine from the supposedly pregnant women into a frog. If the frog produced eggs within 24 hours, the test was positive.”
“The mysterious 120-ton boulder walls of an ancient fortress in Sacsayhuaman, Peru have survived thousands of years, including earthquakes, in part because they are “fit together with such precision you can’t fit a piece of paper between them.””
“Bon Scott liked the Young Brothers, but thought they were too inexperienced and too young to rock. The Young Brothers replied with saying Scott was too old to rock. But after one jam session with each other, it was obvious AC/DC found its new lead singer. “
“Brontosaurus never existed. A paleontologist, rushing to outdo his rival, mistakenly believed that he had discovered the dinosaur, only to find out later that the incomplete skeleton that he found belonged to an Apatosaurus. “
“The 1992 Radiohead song “Creep” uses a similar chord progression as “The Air That I Breathe” by The Hollies. Consequently, after winning a plagiarism lawsuit against Radiohead, Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood are credited as co-writers of “Creep.” “
“We produce a lot of salivae just before vomiting in order to protect our teeth from erosion due to the acidity of vomit.”