17 Unique Angles Revealed in Behind-the-Scenes Shots of Iconic Films

Delve into the unseen world of legendary movies as candid photographs unveil fresh perspectives and untold stories.

Gal Gadot and her more comfortable look on the set of Wonder Woman 1984

This is how Mark Ruffalo looks on the set of The Avengers.

This is what the Knave of Hearts’ horse from Alice in Wonderland looks like.

In the photo on the right, you can see Karen Gillan and Terry Notary, who lent his emotions to the digital dog Buck in Call of the Wild.

Ian McKellen and modern gadgets on the set of The Hobbit

In Doctor Strange, the character’s superpowers aren’t particularly impressive without special effects.

Meticulous work on Gamora’s look from The Avengers

Actors chatting during a break during the filming of The Hobbit

The atmosphere on the set of the TV series The Great

The magic of digital technology in Avatar

Mena Massoud (Aladdin), “At some point, Guy Ritchie decided that I should be an operator too.”

Evan Rachel Wood can’t get enough sleep while filming Westworld.

Henry Cavill prepares for the role of Geralt in The Witcher

In the racing scene in Star Wars, instead of complex audience models, they used multi-colored cotton swabs.

Horse transformation in the movie Mulan

Josh Brolin’s emotions for the digital version of Thanos

Thunderbird, on the set of Fantastic Beasts, looked pretty unusual.

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