18 Crazy Things That Surprised Us With Their Size

“I think I need a bigger car.”

“Size difference between my hand and the wife’s.”

“Hummingbird eggs. They’re so little!”

“My friend had a strawberry that was the size of an apple.”

“Absolutely massive pumpkin a neighbor grew.”

“This massive remote that my grandma uses”

“Found a massive stick insect on my front door!”

“Huge tire being transported on the highway.”

“The size of these brass nuts at my workplace”

“He’s about the size of a quarter.”

“He’s about the size of a quarter.”

“I made a tiny friend today”

“In awe at the size of this lemon.”

“This big puff mushroom my dad found”

“Removing this tiny little 2 amp fuse will completely put a 30-story elevator out of service.”

“These tiny decks of cards”

“My student’s teeny tiny pencil”

“Apparently, my son is a baby giant. He’s a little over 1 year old.”

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