19 Captivating Discoveries And Treasures

This is what a dollar bill from 100 years ago looked like:

The inside of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is…underwhelming:

This ol’ lumpy thing is the ball used in the 1930 World Cup final:

The first Super Bowl didn’t sell out — you can see plenty of empty seats in pictures from that day:

This is what a nude Twix looks like:

This is what a “modern” tomato looks like next to a tomato grown with 150-year-old seeds:

This is how big a moose’s tooth is:

This is what an ASL word search looks like:

Artichokes can be beautiful if you let them bloom:

Here’s another “American Super Bowl” section found in a German grocery store:

This is a preserved 3,500-year-old loaf of bread that was found in an ancient Egyptian tomb from the New Kingdom period:

This is what 8 feet of snow looks like:

This is the bust of President Franklin D. Roosevelt that was used as a model for the design on the dime:

This is what the inside of an ATM looks like:

This is what it looks like when your entire bottle of glue dries before you can use it:

This is what the OTHER side of a ladybug looks like:

In the hours after he died, a death mask was made of Napoleon Bonaparte’s face:

This is how close Russia is to Alaska:


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