19 Photos Showcasing the Unusual Side of Neighbors

Step into the fascinating world of neighbors with these 19 captivating images that offer a glimpse into the extraordinary and unconventional aspects of their lives.

This nosy neighbor who installed a security camera to spy on the people next door:

And this OTHER absolute FREAK who raised their fence two feet taller than their neighbor’s 7-foot privacy fence so their security camera could see over into their yard…..?!?!??!!

This neighbor who kept this person’s package, used its contents, and then tried to SELL IT BACK TO THEM?!?!?!!

This neighbor who reported this family to the HOA for “running a daycare,” aka letting their children have friends over:

This passive-aggressive neighbor who “congratulated” this person for mowing their lawn:

This neighbor who issued a poorly-written threat re: plants…..???

This neighbor who left this note for the tenants next door who let them know ahead of time that they were hosting a friendsgiving (which only consisted of six people) — and mind you, this was at 4:45 p.m. on a Saturday:

This neighbor who LOOOOVES their blinding light, apparently:

This neighbor who makes a point to block their neighbor’s mailbox while leaving theirs accessible:

This neighbor who throws their dog’s poop over their neighbor’s fence:

This neighbor who literally SLASHED some kids’ football when they accidentally threw it into their yard:

This neighbor who tried to saw off someone’s doorknob because they hadn’t seen their cat in the window for three days:

This neighbor who “caught” their neighbor doing the UNTHINKABLE!!!!!!!

This new neighbor who, for some mysterious reason, felt entitled to their neighbor’s Wi-Fi:

This ding-dong neighbor who put charcoal from their grill into their neighbor’s trash:

This neighbor who refused to cut down their trees and, as a result, they grew so long that they covered their neighbor’s bike:

These downstairs neighbors who saw no problem in blocking the stairs up to the rest of the building:

These neighbors who refuse to use their own driveways and instead choose to park bumper-to-bumper in the middle of the cul-de-sac:

This neighbor who technically didn’t do anything BAD per se, but they used an “O” instead of a zero on their granite mailbox, and it pisses everyone off:


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