19 Very Uncomfortable Compliments

“Coworker looked at my children , then me and said you must have a really attractive wife.”

“Me a few months postpartum. Former coworker when he saw a slightly older photo of me “wow you used to be hot!”.”

“I took my cat to the vet and he says “she has great anal tension!” as we’re both struggling to get her temperature taken. To which I said “thanks!”

I don’t think it was a compliment but I cringe every time I remember it. Mostly because my idiotic “thanks!””

““I’d sleep with you if you were a girl.” Was told that on two separate occasions, by someone more senior than me at my last job.”

“Damn you’re hot, you look just like my sister”

“Some guy told me “aye bro nice nipples” 

after that I never wore those types of tank tops ever again”

“Oooo. You look like that famous lady from TV. What’s her name aahhh Got it…. Roseanne, Roseanne Barr.”

““That’s a nice watch.” From the dude at the next urinal. Honestly, it was so funny I’ve used it myself since just to mess with people.”

““I always hoped Sarah would marry you”. Said to me by Sarah’s mom. At her wedding to my good friend. Who happened to be standing next to me.”

“The first time my mother in law saw me in a bikini she said, “I knew my son would end up with a woman like you by the way he breastfed.”

It was uncomfortable.”

““I wanna be your sugar daddy” from a former boss.”

“I wish my gf looked like you so I could pin her against a wall and f@#k her.”

““You have very cute ears. Very suckable.”

From a college classmate (girl) I (guy) had known for several months. I thought she might have a thing for me but after that I never sat with her.”

“We had to volunteer in a soup kitchen when I attended Catholic grade school. I was about 13 at the time, and one of the homeless men came up to me and said, “You have such pretty eyes. Can I have them?””

““I want to have sex with your brain’s d#ck.” It was a drunk text and kind of flattering, but also the weirdest compliment I’ve been given.”

“As a guy i was spending time with this girl that said this in these exact words…..you have an amazingly impeccable @$$, its so nice like a fat little toddlers @$$.. That comment still weirds me out to this day.”

“You have the most default face I’ve ever seen. If I had to explain to an Alien what a standard human face looks like, I’d use yours as an example.”

“This was in high school, but a female friend of mine told me I had nice genes. I was wearing sweats at the time, and was confused because I thought she said jeans.

She clarified saying she meant my hair and skin color. I awkwardly said thanks and to top it off, she said “one day, I want to adopt a small little Asian girl who looks just like you.””

Credits: www.reddit.com

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