20 Gifts So Bad, They’re Destined For Re-Gifting

Gifting doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Our expectations of receiving desired presents can clash with others’ unique ideas, leading to unexpected and sometimes disappointing offerings. Exploring r/AskReddit, we stumbled upon tales of the most unfortunate, unsolicited gifts people have received.

Tampons(im a guy) u

My high school boyfriend got me an Xbox controller. For his Xbox. At his house. Where he only had 1 player games, or didn’t like to play multiplayer with me because I wasn’t great at his games.

My former MIL used to “gift” me all the owners manuals from her small appliances purchased in last year as an actual Christmas gift. The first year this happened I was very perplexed. She of course explained “I read of these things”. For stuff I actually owned but for her electric knife sharpener or (my favorite) the garbage disposal they had installed lol

A quesadilla maker. I know their heart was in the right place, but it was HUGE, impossible to clean, and doesn’t do anything that I can’t already do with a normal non-stick frying pan. One of quickest gifts I’ve ever gotten rid of after taking it home. It was literally too big for any of our cupboards.

The fifth hand crank radio that my father got me for Christmas. He also got me the other four…u

A Harmonica from my mother one Christmas. She said it was something musical and cost her €30, I was convinced it was the Red Hot Chili Pepper DVD I kept mentioning and really wanted. I was really into playing guitar at the time, but had zero interest in a harmonica in some random off key.

I remember when I was like 11 my aunt bought me a soccer ball for my birthday. I was into bikes, skateboards, paintball, and video games, at that point in my life the definition of “sports,” was “the thing they force me to do in gym class.” That soccer ball sat unused and deflated until it permanently melted itself to the wall of my parents garage, where it rests to this day.

I got a book of Word Finds from my aunt……that I had left at her house a few years before. (This was in the 90s) It had my name in it, still, on the inside.

My wife got me a travel lint roller for Christmas. Granted I was on my way to Iraq…so technically I was about to travel, but lint was the least of my worries.

I asked for guitar lessons for my birthday, because I had found a guitar about to be thrown out and wanted to learn how to play it. My parents instead bought me an electronic keyboard and then got mad that I didn’t magically teach myself to play it.

My MIL regifted me a Christmas gift she never even opened. It was a loaf of homemade sourdough bread that had undergone a year of anaerobic decomposition.

Crystal seahorses pulling a crystal Cinderella style chariot I don’t really like the sea, crystal figures, or Cinderella. My parents just bought weird thing for weird child and didn’t really think about it.

Cheap sweets from my in laws. Like off brand cookies, donuts, etc. After the conversation about being diabetic. Also after a conversation about my parents being pastry chefs. I didn’t take them with me when I left their house.

My mother gifted me hamsters at 17. The age where I was only ever at my house to sleep. Otherwise it was school, work, and friends.

Pencils. The people in question forgot it was my birthday (even though their family was hosting me for my birthday party), rummaged in a nearby drawer in full view of me, and gave me the first thing they found.

Luggage tag. I kid you not. They had the gall to list expensive items on their xmas list too. That was the last year we did gifts.

A sword. It looks amazing and I absolutely love it in every way, but there hasn’t been a single vampire, zombie, dragon or even a crackhead enter my yard since. Feels like a bit of a waste TBH.

Clothes that were too small. Intentionally small. I’m a size 4 (I’m short). My aunt got me some really nice tops in a size 0 because “you looked so good last summer when you got all svelte.” I had bronchitis and lost 10lbs.

I was in college across the country but went to visit my mother. For Christmas she gave me a stack of board games (trivial pursuit, Life…) but when I want to leave she said they had to stay there. We never played board games but she wanted an excuse to buy them for herself. Thanks…. merry Christmas I guess.

A gun rack? What am I gonna do, with a gun rack? I don’t even own aaaa gun, let alone many guns to necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?

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