20 Real Life Easter Eggs Hiding In Plain Sight

“My Japanese friend found a game about himself in a shop in the Netherlands.”

“A real-life Easter egg, only for the most attentive passers-by.”

“My electric kettle has a hidden video game in its temperature screen.”

“A door on an abandoned beach, we can only guess how it got there and what its purpose is.”

“The Irish passport has a tricolor binding.”

“My uncle found a bag of volcano ash from Mount St. Helens with a note tucked in the back of one of his cupboards.”

“Found a little surprise in the library book I borrowed.”

“Dear next reader,

When I got this book, someone had left a winning PowerBall ticket worth $100 in it. It was a nice surprise! I figured I’d pass some of it along.

Here’s your share — enjoy!”

“My bag of coffee has a map inside. Excited to finish the bag and see the whole thing.”

“I paint hidden fore edge paintings that appear with a slight fanning of the book.”

“Found this in the grass during my walk!”

“My dog tore open his Yoda plush toy and the squeaker inside is a heart.”

“I posted a picture of the inside of my broken paintbrush mug, and another Redditor finished painting the scene. Today a package arrived that brings the whole thing full circle!”

“This bench in Manchester, UK”

“I found this in a Burger King bathroom.”

“Once upon a time, on a sidewalk…”

“Be careful, Santa’s crossing”

“Someone surely has a good sense of humor.”

“A man created a QR-code lamp which he places behind him during Zoom calls. As soon as someone is tempted to scan it, the light will come on.”

“At just the right time of day this weird silhouette painting on the ground finally makes sense. A roller coaster!”

“Just spent so long prying my step grandmother’s locket open, and it was 100% worth it.”

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