24 Interesting Treasures You’ll Love

Enjoy these 24 amazing discoveries that are sure to delight and fascinate!

“This F-117 Stealth Bomber was delivered to a museum after being stripped of all its stealth coatings and instruments. Pretty cool right?”

“There is a spaghetti carbonara vending machine near my office.”

“My shirt comes with a microfiber patch to clean your glasses/sunglasses with.”

“This neighbourhood near Fort Worth, Texas has its own private airstrip. It will be the 2nd largest fly-in neighbourhood in the US once it is completed. Direct access lots will run $400k+ and taxi lots are $200k+. The long list of amenities includes two golf courses, equestrian centers, and a marina.”

“Gigantic 40,000 piece jigsaw puzzle!”

“This tunnel in Belfast is an “influencer free zone”.”

“My school put up whiteboards to stop vandalism in the washrooms.”

“World’s largest camera (3.2 billion pixels recording 20 TB of data every night). While the James Webb telescope targets a narrow area, this captures the entire sky.”

“This exact replica of the house from Up on Airbnb. It’s lifted by a crane..”

“The cannabis amnesty boxes at the Chicago airport are available after you’ve already gotten through security.”

” Staircase In The House of Scientists, Lviv, Ukraine.”

“Windows 10 default wallpaper is actually a photograph.”

“My great uncle’s “blood chit” from fighting in WWII.”

“Sunflowers are used to assist in clean up after a nuclear disaster. They are hyperaccumulators, capable of absorbing toxic heavy metals from the ground and have been planted at both Chernobyl and Fukushima in the attempt to aid in soil restoration.”

“My Adele concert ticket in 2011 was $34.”

“The engines of a Soyuz as it launches.”

“There is a tiny Statue of Liberty in this park in Paris.”

“This bar has over $10,000 in dollar bills on the ceiling.”

“The dungeon of Castello D’este in Italy. Imprisoned after a failed plot against his brother, the reigning duke, Giulio D’este survived for 53 years in this cell until he was released by his grand nephew at the age of 81.”

“Orange cloud in the sky.”

“The beaches here in the Netherlands have free sunscreen dispensers.”

“The USS Baylander, the world’s smallest aircraft carrier.”

“Lufthansa airport lounge in Frankfort has a serve yourself open bar.”

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