25 Crazy Designs Fails

“Perfectly thought classroom”

“This ceiling fan in my classroom”

“My classroom has these floor outlets. Basically the toe subber 5000”

“My classroom”

“My schools fine arts department had some interesting stickers”

“High school gym in Pontiac, MI. There are no words…”

“Cr#ppy carpet design at my school that looks like moss!”

“Our school build a new sporting area on grass. Can’t wait to play basketball on this.”

“The DESIGN SCHOOL I graduated from sent this postcard out”

“They built this school like one month ago.”

“This design at my university, the classroom is inside of the bathroom, nice.”

“All toilets must be centered in the middle of the classroom so kids eating their snacks three feet away can bare witness to their classmates defecating”

“This bathroom stall at my school”

“Seen at my school, not a good idea to use yellow on yellow…”

“This school worksheet”

“BOOK Don’t By JUDGE It’s A COVER at my high school”

“This graph in my school’s yearbook…”

“My school locker can’t even fit my backpack because of those shelves.”

“My school’s official anti bullying presentation. Every title slide is the same way.”

“This sign at my daughter’s school”

“Top design from my school”

“My high school commissioned a bulldog statue! This is the result”

“The absolute cr#p design of my school. This is the place where every hallway intersects”

“The new school in my community has a wheel chair access button for the door, but no way for a person in a wheel chair to reach it”

“Hand sharpener right next to an emergency button that immediately calls the local police department and sends the principal to our classroom. It’s been hit about 3 times this marking period”

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