25 Photos You Won’t Believe Are One in a Million

Some moments are so unique they make you question reality, and these 25 photos capture that magic.

1. A Pickup Truck Flees

The pyroclastic flows spewing from the Mt. Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines. 1991.

2. Halloween

And military training.

3. Keanu Reeves

On his motorcycle at a traffic light.

4. Stefan Johnson’s Ferrari

The 1985 Monaco Grand Prix weekend. Photo by Rainer Schlegelmilch.

5. Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test

Mushroom cloud, 1946.

6. Sky Tennis

Gladys Roy and Ivan Unger Play Tennis on the Wing of a Biplane in Flight, 1925.

7. Concert Crowd?

Or cotton picker?

8. Eminem

Learning he is going to become a grandfather.

9. Chinese Worker

Spraying streets at the start of the pandemic.

10. All of Humanity

By Apollo 11 astronaut, Michael Collins.

11. The Original Meme

He is once again asking…

12. Sleepover Aftermath

A photo from 1996.

13. Men Hoarding Paper Towels and Toilet Paper

The start of the pandemic.

14. Oregon Wildfires

UPS truck in 2020.

15. Earthrise

As first seen by Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders.

16. Easy Company

Lounging at Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest.

17. Bee Relieves Itself

Tinkle tinkle.

18. Larry Nance

Going for a dunk.

19. “Moment Before Happiness”

Father surprises his son, 1955.

20. Defecting

A 19-year-old East German police officer defects to the West by leaping over the barbed wire.

21. The Riot Priest

A priest during Ukraine’s 2014 revolution.

22. “This Man Saved Our Dog”

“You can see our cat jumping out the window.”

23. Coincidence

Two men dressed to surprise their families take a photo together.

24. Tank Man

Tiananmen Square, 1989.

25. Firefighter From Washington State

After battling 2020 wildfires.

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