28 Nostalgic 90s-00s Struggles That Are Long Gone

Tapping like 17 numbers just to say “hello” through T9:

Going to a designated ROOM to use the computer:

Hot-wiring a TV just to play some dang video games:

Waiting until 9 p.m. to be able to talk on the phone:

Looking through a minuscule little hole to take a picture:

Then waiting like 10 days between taking pictures…

And finding out they all came out like this:

Breaking land speed records so you wouldn’t miss two seconds of a show:

Weighing down pockets with like 15 pieces of technology:

Or carrying your entire music collection in a huge-ass, impossible to navigate binders:

Spending hours burning a CD only to see this message:

Being RIPPED off the internet when someone had to use the phone:

Physically, painstakingly rolling down the window:

Printing out directions just to go, like, 20 minutes away:

Grabbing the newspaper out of the trash because you forgot to check the movie times:

Spending days waiting for real life Netflix to “load”:

Waiting an entire lifetime for a 10MB file to download:

Waiting and waiting just to see what was on TV:

And then waiting some more:

Going to channel 3 just to watch a movie:

Choosing from 12 and only 12 emojis:

Typing WWW like a BARBARIAN:

Writing down everyone’s phone numbers on a sheet of paper that was at least 15 years old:

And getting trapped by the phone while trying to make a dang call:

Talking to people, in general:

Delicately trying to get the perfect ringtone:

Hearing that wretched sound:

And, of course, having a phone you didn’t need to charge every 15 minutes:

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