29 Quirky and Astonishing Facts

Prepare to be captivated by the sheer diversity of information as we navigate through a tapestry of quirky tales and surprising revelations.

“There is a bone fragment on display at the Museum of Chinon in France that was once reputed to belong to Joan of Arc. A 2008 study showed that the bone actually came from an Egyptian mummy.”

“There is a zoo in Japan that has tiny holes in the Otter enclosure allowing for people who visit the zoo to shake hands with the otters. “

“After the American Revolution from the British, in 1777, Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States of America.”

“An elephant-sized sloth existed and went extinct only 10,000 years ago. It was one of the largest land mammals, measuring up to 6m (20ft) and weighing 4 tons.”

““Fruit” is a botanical term and “Vegetable” is a culinary term. It means that a tomato can be considered both a fruit and a vegetable”

“The myth that piranhas can quickly devour a human alive stems from Theodore Roosevelt’s visit to Brazil, when local fishermen deliberately starved piranhas to show off for the US President. “

“In 1983, Marvel Comics actually published a number of comics about a ‘Spider-Pig’ though his name was Peter Porker, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Ham.”

“The Dutch East India Company was the first multinational corporation in existence, created in 1602. It is the first company to issue stocks and is the granddaddy of all corporations today.”

“In 2001, a teenager in Sweden was arrested for suspicion of treason after throwing a strawberry tart at the King.”

“Left turns make up less than 10% of all UPS truck turns. This policy was put into place in 2004 and has saved UPS 10 million gallons of fuel. “

“Bald Eagles are so named because “balde” is an Old English word meaning “white.””

“Rice thrown at weddings poses absolutely no danger to birds. It is just a myth that the rice grains suck up water from the birds’ moist innards and cause them to violently burst.”

“Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack are widely credited with helping end segregation in Las Vegas, by refusing to perform in venues that wouldn’t allow blacks. “

“In the UK you can get a medal for living with diabetes for a certain number of years. “

“Frank Gusenberg, died of 14 gunshot wounds a few hours after he was shot during the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. When asked who shot him, he replied: ” No one…nobody shot me.” His last words were “I ain’t no copper.””

“Mark Twain was born on the day when Halley’s Comet flew by the earth. He said “I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it.” Halley’s Comet next appeared on April 21, 1910, which is the day Mark Twain died.”

“The Romans had a celebratory day once in a year where the roles of master and slave were reversed. “

“At one time Pillsbury bought Burger King with the intention of fixing everything that was wrong with the then declining franchise. To turn things around they hired a McDonald’s executive and when his changes were implemented Burger King took off like a rocket. “

“In 2006 baguettes were simultaneously placed on the ground in both Spain and New Zealand creating the first verified ‘Earth Sandwich’.”

“Michael Jordans best friend is the limo driver who gave him a lift when he first arrived in Chicago back in 1984.”

“The average black-market price of an AK-47 worldwide is $534. In certain areas in Africa, prices of AK-pattern rifles can be as low as $30. It is estimated that up to 100 million Kalashnikov assault rifles are still in use today. “

“The total surface area of all the alveoli in your lungs is about the size of a tennis court. “

“One of the largest bats in the world, the golden-capped fruit bat, with a wingspan of 5.6 feet, does not possess echolocation. It instead relies on its keen senses of sight and smell to locate food, usually traveling more than 25 miles for it. The species is now facing extinction. “

“Illegal coal mining activities in Mongolia and the intense use of coal burned on simple stoves has turned a region of Mongolia once famed for its blue skies into one of the world’s most polluted.”

“Saloop, a drink of ground orchid tubers, was a popular 18th century alternative to tea until it became rumored to cure venereal disease. After that drinking it in public became shameful.”

“There’s an anime and manga in Japan called Saint Young Men, which is about Jesus and Buddha living as roommates in Tokyo while taking a vacation on Earth and attempting to understand Japanese society.”

“In 2001, Travis McHenry, an American claimed huge chunk of previously unclaimed Antarctican peninsula as his own nation through a supposed loophole in the Antarctic Treaty “

“Bill Haast, the “Snake Man,” was bitten by poisonous snakes at least 173 times. He injected himself with snake venom every day for a span of 60 years. He saved countless lives by donating his antibody-rich blood. He lived to be 100.”

“The border between India and Bangladesh is so complicated that there is a “3rd order enclave,” which is a piece of India within Bangladesh, within India, within Bangladesh.”

Source: www.reddit.com

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