29 Veterinarian Shares Lesser-Known Pet Care Tips

“Don’t make them fat. “

1. Shows you their tummy

2. Gently bites/nibbles you

3. Slowly stares and blinks at you

“My whole life’s been a lie because that’s the most perfect pill pocket I’ve ever seen”

“It shortens their life. They rely on you”

“Doesn’t it always mean they are sick or have a nutritional deficiency? If they eat too much grass it can cause them to vomit yes. But the truth is they probably just enjoy it.”

“The plants are extremely toxic and can cause kidney failure. Even the pollen or water from the vase can be toxic”

“Alcohol, onions, chocolate, Macadamia nuts, grapes”

1 year old dog= 31 year old human

2 years=49

What about 7 year old dog? 62

Aging slows down. 8 year old= 64

“We don’t know the exact toxin in the grapes and some dogs will be fine while others go into kidney failure”

“Make sure there is no xylitol and its super high in calories so MODERATION or else they gonna get chonky”

“Yes, they like the exaggerated, high pitched tone. But only when using dog relevant words like ‘walk’ or ‘play'”

“Yes, they like the exaggerated, high pitched tone. But only when using dog relevant words like ‘walk’ or ‘play'”

“Pig ears. Very fatty. Can contribute to obesity, vomiting and diarrhea. Higher chance of bacterial overgrowth”

1. Recognizes your name when talked about

2. Guarding you or looking the other way while you eat

3. Prolonged staring at you

1. Picking fights with housemates.

2. Peeing outside the litterbox

3. Tearing up furniture

4. Overgrooming

5. Sleeping more

6. Overeating

“They are smelling secretions from anal sacs. These glands produce a unique odor to that animal. It gives them instant information and helps them determine how to act”

The next year=about 10 years

Then every year = about 7 years after that

“These won’t always cause problems, but if shredded, ingested and unable to be passed can become life threatening”

1.Hyperactive at times

2. Always hungry

3. Drinks a lot of water

4. Losing weight

1.Remove the stinger (don’t use tweezers)

2. Apply baking soda/water paste and ice the area

3. Call your vet

“Wet noses help their sense of smell and help cool them down”

“Meat is the #1 ingredient means it must be the best right? Meat is generally about 70% water. So maybe it should say “water is the first ingredient”. Don’t base your choice off of this one marketing tactic”

1.Establish one primary veterinarian

2. If you’re concerned, don’t wait

3. Invest in pet insurance

“All dog feet smell… some more than others. Mainly due to microbes like yeast and bacteria. If the odor is getting stronger or your dog is licking/chewing a lot go see you vet”

“At least once every 3 days. Make sure to get those back molars especially as they chew with those most often”

“The best way to avoid even HAVING to do this is to use prevention (orals are better than collars). But this product helps you remove the entire tick. Without having to touch it or leave the head in the dog. Prevention is better than simply removing ticks because now this dog is at risk for many different diseases”

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