38 Captivating Images That Will Leave You Spellbound

Prepare to be amazed as you delve into this gallery of stunning visual wonders that promise to leave an indelible mark on your soul.

This week, the world’s tallest man, Sultan Kosen, met the world’s smallest woman, Jyoti Amge:

Sultan is 8’2″ tall and Jyoti is 24 inches tall.

Here’s another picture of their meeting:

There are escalators that have tiny little plateaus halfway down:

Dandelions can be really, really big:

And safety pins can be huge:

Maple leaves? MAPLE LEAVES? Oh yeah, they can be very, very tiny:

While we’re talking about big things, here’s a fisherman with a giant tuna he caught off the coast of Nova Scotia:

Somewhere out there are people with only one line on their hand:

There’s a bunch of trash left by humans on the moon. In fact, if you really want to know, there are 96 bags of human waste on that big pie in the sky:

This is what a modern-day banana looks like next to a wild, predomesticated banana that used to be much more prevalent:

In the ’70s, Casio made a calculator that also had a lighter in it…a CALCULIGHTER:

This is what it looks like if you excavate and cook all the cookie dough in your ice cream:

In addition to the original (Nic Cage voice) Declaration of Independence, a bunch of copies were made and sent to other places. Here’s what one of those copies looks like:

The longest word in the English language is a doozy:

Quadruple A batteries exist:

This is what it looks like when molten steel hits the floor:

Some fruit have stickers that tell you the perfect color to eat them:

Some places have stop lights that let you know how much time is left before they turn green:

This is what a pack of 110-year-old crayons looks like:

There’s a bird that looks JUST like Danny DeVito:

The world’s verified oldest woman just had a birthday last week:

This bad boy is Zach T. Wilcox, owner of the world’s longest beard in 1922:

This is Ruth Malcolmson, the woman who won the 1924 Miss America pageant:

This is what a piece of the moon and a piece of Mars looks like:

Slang may just have peaked in the Victorian era:

This painting by Leonardo da Vinci is the most expensive painting ever sold:

The painting, “Salvator Mundi,” sold for $450 million in 2017. There’s also some controversy as to how much Leo had to do with it, but that’s for another post.

This boat, known as Boomin’ Beaver, is apparently the smallest ship in the US Navy:

This is what a Twix that hasn’t been dipped in chocolate looks like:

This is what a stairwell that doesn’t loop around and only goes in one direction looks like:

This right here is a baby platypus, known as a “puggle”:

1778 is the most points you can get for a word in Scrabble, specifically for the word “oxyphenbutazone”:

This is how condoms were tested in the 1930s:

You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them:

This is the Hoba meteorite, the largest meteorite on Earth:

This is what the inside of a wind turbine blade looks like:

Some children’s doctor’s offices put doorknobs up super high on doors so children can’t “escape”:

This is what a license plate from Antarctica looks like:

And, finally, this proposed design for a “female urinal” looks… not… great:

Source: www.buzzfeed.com

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