40 Astonishing And Mind-Blowing Pictures Of First-Time Wonders

These astonishing snapshots unveil the beauty and uniqueness of the world, presenting a collection of first-time wonders that will captivate your imagination.

“Japan sells Krispy Kreme-flavoured gin.”

“Pilot takes amazing pictures of Area 51 and Tonopah Air Base while skirting restricted airspace.”

“I’m at the NYC Macys and the escalator is made out of wood.”

“The complexity of the Boeing 737-10 landing gear bay.”

“How the power lines at Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA simply and clearly show the curvature of the Earth.”

“This airport has a bathroom for service animals.”

“Fan pull chains that have a light bulb and fan blades at the end to indicate which chain to pull.”

“Perfectly circular, connecting burnout in my neighborhood.”

“Time lapsed photo of thunderstorm over Turkey.”

“Chicken McNugget shaped Tetris game from a Chinese McDonalds.”

“This runway in the middle of a neighborhood has homes all along it with their own hangers.”

“Exterior of the “sewers” from the movie IT.”

“My local Pizza Hut hasn’t changed since the 80’s.”

“Lockheed production plant camouflage in WW2.”

“Public air shower in Tokyo to blow pollen off hay fever sufferers.”

“Wingtip vortices and condensation clouds from an F-15.”

“This restaurant sink has two soap dispensers. One for before eating and one for after.”

For a brief but wondrous moment in time, you could get potatoes from a vending machine:

Whiskey, too:

This is Chandra Bahadur, the shortest man in recorded history:

He stood just 21.5 inches tall

And here is Chandra Bahadur next to the world’s tallest man, Sultan Kosen:

Sultan stands 8 feet 3 inches.

This is what the end of the eastern portion of the Great Wall of China looks like:

Chill place to repel foreign invaders, for sure.

This is what a bunch of fossilized dinosaur eggs look like:

Gotta get a mad scientist in that living room to bring those back to life.

There’s an abandoned island sitting off the coast of Nagasaki in Japan:

It’s called Hashima Island and it used to be home to over 5,000 people. It was abandoned in the 1970s.

This is Selma Burke, the woman who designed the portrait of Franklin Roosevelt that’s still on the dime to this day:

There’s a breed of horse known as a Bashkir Curly that has, well, curly hair:

This is the Swiss mini-gun, the smallest working pistol in the world:

It’s two inches long and completely illegal in the United States.

This is what an ultraviolet picture of the sun looks like:

This is the Peel P50, the smallest car ever produced:

It measured “54 inches long, 41 inches wide and 47 inches tall.”

This is what the back of the Price Is Right wheel looks like:

This is the Murchison meteorite, a meteorite found in Australia that formed over seven billion years ago:

That makes it over two billion years older than our solar system.

And, while we’re at it, this is what a super tiny meteorite looks like next to a quarter:

Some blood drives will let you know exactly when and where your blood is used to help save a patient:

This is what the view from the top of Mount Rushmore looks like:

One of the more ridiculous inventions of the 19th century was this, a “mass shaving machine” designed to shave a bunch of men all at once:

“Parking tower at the Volkswagen factory.”

“No idea that there was another larger mountain behind the sign.”

“A rug, carved in to the wooden floorboards.”

“A stele from the sunken ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion recovered from the bottom of the ocean.”

Source: www.buzzfeed.com

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