Awesome drinking games from around the world


Everybody loves a good good drinking game. But, all over the world different games have emerged that fit perfectly into each individual culture. Some of these games may sound like fun, while others may seem like the worst idea in the world. Whatever your drinking game preference may be, we can all still raise a glass in the air and agree to let the games begin.

United States – Beer Pong
This game swept across the United States as students began to play in frat houses and dorm rooms. The idea caught on, quickly sweeping the nation and inevitably the world. If you need an explanation of the rules, just head to the nearest college campus on a friday night.


United Kingdom – Pence
This is definitely a simple game, and one that requires little actual skill. At the beginning of the night, one coin is dropped into a glass of beer. Whoever’s beer it is must finish the glass. Once that person finishes the beer, they ask the person who dropped the coin what year is displayed on the coin. If they answer incorrectly, then they must finish their drink themselves. After all of this, the coin finds a new beer and the cycle continues.


Korea – Napkin, Beer, Cigarette
Not everyone is a smoker, but many South Koreans enjoy their fair share of nicotine.

To play this game, you need to place a napkin on top of a glass of beer. Next, place a single coin on top of the napkin. Finally, take turns burning holes in the napkin around the coin until the coin falls in the beer. Whoever burned the hole that made the coin fall in must down the beer.


Spain – Los Chunguitos
If you like to pair music and drinking then this is the game for you. Pop on your favorite Los Chunguitos song, start clapping to the beat, and have one person start by saying, “I am Chunguitos number one.” This continues around the circle with each person announcing what their number is.

Once everyone has a number, ‘Chunguito number one’ will say their number and another players number. The player who was called out will then repeat their own number and call out another number. As this is happening, the person sitting to the right of the person who’s number was called must start imitating an instrument in the song. Once somebody forgets to add an instrument sound, then they must chug their drink and the game restarts.


Peru – Sapo
Sapo is a popular bar game in Peru where the object of is to throw coins into the frog’s mouth. Players stand about 5-7 feet away from the game board and throw coins. If a player misses any of the holes on the game board, they must take a drink. If they get a coin in one of the holes surrounding the frog, they are safe. Finally, if they throw the coin directly into the frog’s mouth, then everybody else has to finish their drink.


China – Jiuling
This game is commonly referred to as the ‘finger guessing game’ and the rules are simple. Two players look each other in the eye and decide independently how many fingers to hold up. At the same time both players will raise up however many fingers they want while simultaneously shouting out what they believe the sum of both players’ fingers is. If one player guesses right and the other guesses wrong, then the loser must take a shot. If nobody shouts out the right number, then nobody drinks and the game resets.


Germany – Kastenlauf
Germany is notorious for their beer drinking abilities and this game definitely proves that. To play the game, separate into teams of two and grab a case of beer for each team. Next, establish a route (typically between 3-8 miles) and begin to race towrds the final destination on foot. The first team to reach the destination with an empty case of beer is declared the winner.

Essentially this is like the real life version of “Beerio Kart,” minus the go-karts.


Canada – Alcohockey
Oh, Canada. Always finding new and impressive ways to get intoxicated. Alcohockey requires a customized air hockey table that has slots for cups.

The game is played just like any other game of air hockey, except when the puck falls into a cup, the player must down the contents of the cup. It’s like beer pong meets hockey.


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Latin America – Dudo
Think Yahtzee but with drinking. This game features five dice that get shaken in a cup. instead of rolling the dice for all to see, the roller must slam the cup down, peek under to see what he’s rolled, and then say how many numbers they are showing, whether its the truth or not (i.e. “I have four sixes.”). The other players can either choose to believe the roller or call “Bullshit.” If the roller was bluffing and gets called on it, then he must take a shot. If the roller was telling the truth and a player claims that it’s a bluff, then that player must take a shot. This is a great way to ruin friendships while simultaneously getting drunk.


Ireland – Irish Quarters
This one is really simple, but it will definitely get you really drunk. I mean REALLY drunk. Start the game with a full mug of beer and spin a coin on a table. Then chug your beer and grab the coin before it stops spinning. If the coin is no longer spinning when you are finished chugging your beer then you get to do it all over again!


Cuba – Drunk Jenga
You may have played jenga, but have you played drunk Jenga? In Cuba, the popular block-stacking game is often customized to make drinking even more fun. Players will take markers and write rules on each block. A few examples would be, “take a shot” or “take two drinks.” When a player removes the block, they must complete whatever the block says before the game can continue.


Japan – Ping Pong Pang
It’s no secret that Japan comes up with some things that seem very strange to outside cultures. This even correlates into their drinking games. Ping Pong Pang is one of the simplest Japanese drinking games and it actually sounds kind of fun.

To play, grab a circle of friends and have one person start the game by exclaiming, “Ping!” The person to their right will then exclaim, “Pang!” Finally, the person to their right will then exclaim,”Pong,” and simultaneously point at someone random in the circle. Whoever gets pointed at must yell “ping” immediately, and if they forget or falter, then the rest of the group shouts, “iki iki iki,” prompting the loser to drink.


Russia – Tiger’s Coming
Now here’s a game we can all get behind. Leave it to Russia to create the drinking games that get you the drunkest.

To play, get a group of friends and sit around a table and nominate someone as the leader. Next, pour everyone a shot of vodka… obviously. Finally, the leader will shout “tiger’s coming,” promting everyone to jump under the table and down their shot. Once the leader announces that the tiger is gone, everone comes back up to the table, pours another shot, and the game resets. Sounds like a great time.


Russia – Bear Paw
Of course, another insane drinking game from Russia. Before you ask, the answer is yes, the game does involve vodka.

To play the game, fill up one mug of beer and have a group of you and your friends stand in a circle. Pass the mug around the circle with each person taking a drink of the beer. Before passing to the next person, each player must replace the beer that they just drank with an equal amount of vodka. The game ends when the mug is clear with vodka and no more beer is left. Once the mug is completely clear, the game starts again, but you play it backwards, replacing the vodka you drank with beer. We tried this one in a group of 8 people, and nobody remembers finishing the game… play at your own risk.

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