Barno Morning Picdump (40 Pics)

Quiet, crisp mornings are the best with Barnorama Morning Picdump.

“These toilets with a view”

“This cashier’s computer from my local Mexican fast food chain”

“This extremely narrow house in Vietnam”

“Melbourne Airport’s Animal Relief Room”

“A hot air balloon landed in my neighborhood this morning”

“Hawaii’s Running Tree”

“This playground has a swing for people with wheelchairs”

“I found this wacky face sculpture in a gorge hiking near Forks WA”

“Arby’s had a miniature version of their Arby’s”

“This half-red half-green grape I got from a cookout today”

“Perfectly circular, connecting burnout in my neighborhood.”

“This car is full of bumper stickers that say bumper sticker”

“These electrical outlet plates my mom painted for her kitchen to match the granite”

“The different reflections from my glasses”

“I’m at the NYC Macys and the escalator is made out of wood”

“The McDonalds in my town has a sign with only one arch”

“A small local movie theater me uses reusable metal bowls for the popcorn”

“This house that has a tunnel through a juniper bush to get to their front door”

“This oddly shaped egg that my chickens laid”

“Public air shower in Tokyo to blow pollen off hay fever sufferers”

“This shampoo lists what each ingredient is”

“Toddler toilet at a rest stop in Virginia, USA”

“Hotel bookshelf Levels Out Book Height”

“This industrial sized barrel of pineapple juice”

“The sun doesn’t set in Iceland right now. This is around midnight”

“This runway in the middle of a neighborhood has homes all along it with their own hangers”

“Some Mannequins at Disney World have Hearing Aids”

“I balanced a stack of six pine cones today”

“Gas station inside the Mall of America in Minnesota”

“This car has a license plate that’s just a picture of itself”

“A claw machine that allows you to win a claw machine claw”

“This crossing with lights on the ground that turn green/red”

“Fan pull chains that have a light bulb and fan blades at the end to indicate which chain to pull”

“This keyhole for the power lines in the trees”

“A duck photobombed my picture of a blue heron”

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