Cats Are Born To Be Bread Hunters

Furthermore, house cats do not kill for food only, their instincts dictate them to put their skills into use given the opportunity.

Some people noticed that these adorable predators often react quite erratic at sight of delicious bread. Take for instance this cat from Russia, who aggressively fought his owner over a loaf of bread, as she struggled to take it away from him.

However, Boris is not just being a quirky, unique cat with a strong craving for sourdough. In fact, many cat’s have a thing for bread.

As it turns out cats are obsessed with the taste of yeast. nothing improves their appetites better, so it’s no surprise that your cat steals bread from a cupboard a or sneaks in to steal your bagel. Try sharing next time!

Yeast is used heavily as a flavoring agent in many cat foods and treats. It is even used in some medication made for cats.

In moderation, it is completely healthy for cats to eat bread. Since cat’s are carnivores they are nor required to eat carbohydrates to survive. So the consumption of big amounts of carbohydrates can lead to obesity in cats.

That’s why it is recommended to only offer your cat bread as a treat. It is also advised that no more than 10-15% of the cat’s daily intake should be made of human food. While baked bread is fine for your feline friend, giving them bread dough is may lead to bloating and other health issues.

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