Facing Reality: 21 Hard Pills To Swallow

Prepare yourself for a dose of reality with our compilation of 21 truth pills that many prefer to avoid swallowing.

Global warming is one of these truth pills and the impact has been chaos to Florida’s housing market as the state has become virtually uninsurable. An issue that will only get worse as time goes on. It might be a tough pill to swallow, but we’re already too late to fix it.

That lack of sleep is a major public health problem not getting the attention it deserves. Modern life glorifies not getting a full 8 hours a night, when in fact lack of sleep is linked to diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and more.

“Invisible” disabilities.

The Public Education system in the USA is collapsing before our very eyes.

That not all wasps are bad. A lot of wasps are parasites and predators of disease-carrying insects and various crop pests. Then there are fig wasps which are responsible for fig trees being able to reproduce.

A lot more people have drinking problems than they’d like to admit.

Climate change is real and it’s coming.

Way more people get assaulted than we know of.

Gambling is highly addictive and destroys lives. It’s also become available pretty much everywhere in the United States.

Sugar is poisoning us. Saying this as a sugar addict.

That clean fresh water is a diminishing resource more precious than any fossil fuels or rare earth minerals and private ownership of it plus the unlimited use of it for industry is already getting people killed.

Recycling is a sham propelled by the plastics industry. The solution is to stop using so much plastic, not say “oh well I’ll recycle it”as the vast majority of recycled trash isn’t actually recycled. The plastics industry has spent millions for Americans to have this mentality that it’s okay as long as we recycle.

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