Flight Attendant Share The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Her Job

Flight attendant Ally spilled the beans about the ins and outs of her job that people were incredibly curious to hear about

“I think I’m just used to it, but fun fact that you feel turbulence a lot less in the front of the plane than you do in the back”

“Yes, you can choose a spouse, a sibling, a best friend and you can travel the world”

“Nope, just one per room”


“Yes. Domestically a 100% free. Internationally you just pay the exit taxes of the country you are leaving”

“Yes, once the door is closed the clock starts, once the doors opens it stops. So your flight attendant is not getting paid during boarding and deplaning”

“Almost never”

“All the time”

“Food, candy + Starbucks giftcards”

“Yes, we have a specific crew area where we can sleep”

“Yes, always”

“Deadheading is when you are technically a passenger on a flight to or from the different location to then work back to base or to or from the other location. It’s confusing, but we love deadheads and you can wear regular clothing”




“We move around a LOT”

“Average is 4. Sometimes it can be 1 up to 10”

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends”

“Sometimes one, sometimes two, three, four”

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