Hes Actually Right


  1. no he isn’t. hard water is water with a lot of lime in is…. still good thinking… i would give the same answer

  2. ummm, he was being sarcastic, way to reuin it….

  3. Learn to spell “C” reuin is not a word, the word you were thinking of is “ruin”
    I hate people who can’t spell, go back to school.

  4. i hate when people try to prove how smart they are. no one cares. seriously, nobody will congratulate you on how smart you seem to be. the only reaction you will get is annoyance and displeasure from people on the internet…. still good thinking.

  5. It doesn’t matter if it’s the internet. Your argument looks far more logical that way, and people will actually understand you and take you seriously if you spell a simple word correctly. Seriously, how the fuck does that get by your spell-check in your browser? Idiot.

  6. corb> I just want to let you know, that you sound pathetic and that i hate you. even though i dont know you and have never met you i know deep down you are a douche. no question.

  7. Jewel – You speak as if in the second grade, so I’ll attempt to keep this simple: as an obvious airhead (yes, people still use the term), 90% of the guys you encounter are douches. You’re exactly their favored prey: dumb bitches. This “corb” fellow displays a modicum of intelligence and integrity, and you respond to that with disdain? To quote Dave Chappelle, “I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else but you.” Go choke on a dick, I’m sure it won’t be the first time.

  8. *laughs* Wow, both of you are arguing through the internet. Hilarious and pathetic.

  9. Shouldn’t we all just say this is a good answer instead of e-fighting? =D

  10. yeah.. they both kept changing their name as if a lot of people supporting their arguement.

  11. is hard gas a fart with alot of lime in then?

  12. he actually isnt correct
    Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in contrast with soft water). Hard water minerals primarily consist of calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) metal cations, and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates. Calcium usually enters the water as either calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the form of limestone and chalk, or calcium sulfate (CaSO4), in the form of other mineral deposits. The predominant source of magnesium is dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Hard water is generally not harmful to one’s health

  13. @randell

    Thanks for posting this! I was really wondering what the answer is.

  14. ah yes, but the question said to

  15. briefly explain

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