Hidden Gems: 30 Home Products That Blend Style And Function

A discreet cherry toilet brush because no one really wants their potty scrubber to be an obvious eyesore, do they? 

A programmable pixel art display that does a lot more than just look cute. It’s also a Bluetooth speaker that functions as an alarm, notification center, gaming console, and more! 

A minimalist flip-down hanger for a sleek storage solution that cleverly doubles as modern art when not in use.

A daisy-shaped dish brush so you can spruce up your sink without wasting any valuable real estate on superfluous knickknacks. 

Or a cacti bottle cleaning brush set with built-in drainage if you want a whole sink-side garden full of tools for all your toughest cleaning challenges. 

A stick-on prismatic window film because it doubles as a privacy screen for a curtain alternative with a big visual impact. What makes for better decor than LITERAL rainbows?!

A weighted plush door stopper that’ll guard your doors from bothersome breezes, since you’re probably tired of getting spooked by a surprise slammed door, or your cat screeching because they got trapped in the upstairs bedroom. 

A dimmable sad duck night-light for some deskside camaraderie on those days when life is beating you down. This little guy always gets it, and will stay up to burn the midnight oil with ya. 

A soft dumpster fire nightlight so you can enjoy a physical representation of how the last few years have felt for basically everyone. It’s precious enough on its own, without doubling as a portable lantern to accompany you on midnight bathroom excursions. 

A chic minimalist fruit bowl/colander if you love the idea of maintaining a fruit bowl, but enjoy the water-accumulating reality a lot less. This bowl has built-in drainage and a removable base, so you can wash your produce without plucking your peaches out of a puddle later on. 

discreet humidifier and oil diffuser designed to resemble a regular ‘ole potted plant when not in use. And it’s a nightlight?! What a time to be alive. 

A cardboard cat scratcher lounge because it looks like one-of-a-kind decor while doubling as a stimulating, stress-relieving tool for your cats so they stop destroying your furniture. 

A glass bedside carafe set that you’ll be SO grateful for when you have a few too many drinks and wake up in the middle of the night dry as the Sahara. Not that I need to tell you, but this is a lot cuter than the graveyard of water bottles currently residing on your nightstand. 

A quirky set of cactus coasters for balancing your desire for fun-loving decor with your equally strong desire to keep the tables watermark-free. 

A mini ceramic bathtub with built-in drainage so you can use it as the cutest soap dish of all time, a whimsical planter, or even a jewelry-catching trinket tray — you decide! 

A magnetic cat AirPod holder if you’re constantly misplacing the charging case or just like the idea of having a little animal companion around to lend you a helping hand. 

A whimsical cloud-shaped magnetic key holder because its too-cute design just might be motivation enough to finally put your keys in an easy-to-find location, so you don’t tear apart your room hunting for them later. 

Classic games like Scrabble and Candy Land that look like gorgeous, hardcover books instead of a leaning tower of worn-out cardboard boxes. How…well…novel! 

A ceramic measuring spoon set so you can play the part of a successful plant parent *and* master chef. As if the four marked spoons weren’t functional enough, the pot doubles as a darling measuring cup. 

And a foldable Magic Mushroom funnel if you’re going for a whole plant-inspired kitchen vibe. No need to hide this silicone cutie away in a drawer. Just leave it out for everyone (namely, you) to enjoy when it’s not working hard as a regular funnel. 

Some tried-and-true chalkboard paint because nothing screams hidden functionality quite like a wall you can safely write all over. 

A set of silicone flower trivet mats that won’t take up any valuable space in your drawers since they’re totally display-worthy. 

A whimsical snail soap pump so you can pretend to have a pet snail that produces hand-sanitizing goo to keep you safe. So cute! So thoughtful! 

A pack of leaf funnels if watering your indoor jungle ends with as much water on the floor as in your plants. This will help you avoid spills while blending in seamlessly with the rest of your greenery.  

A geometric dinosaur sculpture for keeping your candy stash a secret! This little guy has a majorly big mouth that’s perfect for stashing sweets, keys, jewelry, or anything else that might need a fearsome protector. 

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