Not All Bad Habits Are 99% Bad

Chewing gum can actually help you work more efficiently. The openning and closing of your mouth while chewing brings in more oxygen to help your brain work.

Complaining with a friend is a great way to let go of the stress you are holding on to and possibly even get some great feedback. This helps to develop a realistic outlook on life, rather than overly optimistic or pessimistic.

Holding in farts and burps can have some negative side effects, such as pressure on your digestive system, heartburn, and bloating in your stomach.

Biting your nails exposes you to more germs, give or take how often you wash your hands. But that exposure to germs is actually helping build your immune systems. So it’s definitely gross, but it’s a good kind of gross.

Coffee is the magic in the morning at helping us wake up, but it can also help in other ways. It is possible to burn fat, lower your chances of type 2 diabetes, and even reduce chances of Alzheimer’s disease.

I’m someone who must constantly be doing something. I’m guilty of flipping my pen around my fingers and clicking them way too much. My knees are always bouncing up and down while I sit, and I will tap on every surface I get a chance to.

But these kinds of fidgeting can be good to burn small amounts of calories throughout the day (sometimes over 300 calories). You’re not burning enough to replace exercise, but it does help our metabolism to use up stored fat.

Suffering from writer’s block? Maybe you just feel trapped in your mind and can’t think of anything new? Some studies say working in a messy room can boost your creativity by ~28%.

So try throwing a bunch of shit on the floor and spilling your drink. If that doesn’t help, take a break and clean up the mess you made, then start fresh afterwards.

Yeah, I don’t like this one either. Apparently picking your nose, and eating it, can help with the immune system just like the finger nails. It also helps prevent cavities with the help of salivary mucins.

So, umm…have fun digging?

Showering definitely helps with how you smell, but it’s easy to overdo it. Your body naturally creates oils and healthy bacteria to prevent your skin from getting itchy, red, and dry.

So unless you just ran a few miles or spent all day in the sun, maybe skip the shower once in a while.

My biggest habit on this list, swearing is a great way to relieve stress, help you relax, and increase your pain tolerance.

Shit fuck piss ass cock.

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