Pet Ownership and College Life: Is It a Good Idea?

Pets are perfect companions to humans since they bring comfort, joy, goofiness, and compassion in an otherwise dull life. You may or may not have many friends, but if you have an adorable fur buddy at home, you will feel less lonely and a lot happier.

While the idea of keeping a pet is so fascinating, these little buddies need complete attention and utmost care. They also bring a lot of responsibilities to your life. And while you can rely on a professional online essay writer to do PowerPoint presentations and help you manage your assignments, you can’t roll over the responsibilities of owning a pet to someone else.

So, are you ready for all the fun, drama, and chaos? Read on to find out!

Should You Get a Pet as a College Student?

The answer to this question depends on your lifestyle, your schedule, and your budget. Evaluate yourself on the below parameters to find out if you are ready to have a pet yet.

Do your college and apartment allow pets?

It is pointless to consider buying or adopting a pet if the places where you spend your time or live don’t allow one. Many homeowners do not allow pets. If you live on campus, you need to check with the college administration for permission. You can hire a professional paper writer on EssayService to help you out with youtube pending assignments while you are figuring it all out.

Is your roommate okay with pets?

Even if your premises allow furbabies, you shouldn’t be inconsiderate of your roommate. Some people are not comfortable around pets. Hence, before signing up for this commitment, discuss it with your roommate. You may also set some boundaries if that helps to make the situation more congenial.

How tight is your schedule?

Owning a pet is demanding and time-consuming. You must be able to feed it, take it for a walk, spend time with it, and take care of it like a baby. Considering the time you have to dedicate to classes, assignments, research paper writing, exams, extracurricular activities, college events, and socializing with your friends, you may not be left with enough time for your furry buddy. So, before you give in to your desire to keep a pet, analyze your schedule.

Can you afford a pet?

The life-changing decision you are making isn’t inexpensive. If you buy a pet, the cost would depend upon the animal and its breed, age, and health. You would also need to pay for licensing the pet.

On the other hand, adopting one is a little cheaper. But you would still need to bear the cost of adoption and registration along with the annual maintenance fee of the license.

Do you have a budget to care for a pet?

Along with the one-time cost, you should consider other frequent expenses too, and check whether you can afford to care for a pet. You will have to pay for pet food, veterinary, toys, bedding, treats, accessories, and grooming. On top of that, you have to manage your personal expenses, such as payments for essay services, groceries, utility bills, and shopping, too.

Do you have sufficient space?

Another important thing most students don’t consider is living space. If you are getting a dog or a cat, it would need space to move around and play. Most dorm rooms and rented student apartments are not spacious. And if you are planning to bring home a breed that grows big and fluffy, you would not be doing justice with it.

How long can you commit to caring for a pet?

If you get a pet, you are setting yourself up for a long-term commitment. Most human-friendly animals live longer than four years, and most students fail to consider it before adopting one. This situation often leads them to either abandon the animal or leave it in a shelter.

Before you decide to own a pet, think about all the possible scenarios. You may want to go on a foreign trip or leave for home during vacation. You should know that having a pet would require you to sacrifice some freedom.

What’s an Alternative to Owning a Pet?

Pets immediately lift your spirit and make everything better. So, if you can’t become a paw parent for any reason, you can still cherish nature’s best creations. Here’s how:

  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter nearby and bond with those little buddies.
  • Pet sit for other people and enjoy the company in your free time.
  • Visit a pet cafe where you can spend time with docile animals.
  • Attend local pet events and become friends with other pet parents and their pets.

If going out of the way to spend time with those lovely animals seems difficult, you can use the best assignment services to free up some time by having professional writers do your homework for you.

The Bottom Line

Being close to animals is often therapeutic and rewarding. And if you are a pet parent, nothing matches the feeling of returning to your furry friend after a long day. However, for that, you must be ready in all aspects. But if you are not, wait till the right time and adopt one when you are settled.

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