That’s Actually Awesome!

“This license plate is Askew.”

“Customer came in and let me take a picture of her hands that had 6 fingers on each”

“Found this coin in my gramma’s collection of old stuff. Turns out it’s from the year 1797!”

“This Wulfenite stone looks like Andes mints”

What potato chip bags look like at a store located at 7380 feet (2250 meters) elevation

“My daughters boyfriend and my Peruvian guinea pig share a similar hairdo”

“They way this building was expanded without removing the outside walls.”

“My 12 year old sister made this perfect cake on her first ever try making one.”

“The coffee shop cashier gave me a blue silver certificate dollar bill from 1935.”

“My cousin’s wedding dress from last night. It has its own pockets.”

“Found a treble clef in my Arby’s curly fries once”

“I got a fortune from a fortune cookie that cancels my most recent fortune”

“If i flex my upper lip and cover my mouth it looks like i have a tiny mouth”

“This Hot Wheels toy of a wheelchair athlete”

“I came across a tank tread in the woods.”

“Locker rooms at my university feature names of fantasy locations and cities”

A bar with an aquarium.

“This car I saw at work painted like an arizona green tea can”

“Drew the same tree on my class notes without knowing. 2 years apart.”

Well, when life gives you lemons…

“The toilet in my hotel in filled with seawater”

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