Ways Switching From Paper to Cattlemax Will Save You Time

If you’re stuck to your ways as a rancher or cattle farmer: you’re not alone.  This is one of the few careers that have managed to go untouched for most of its time existing.  The only problem is: people are sticking to older and more difficult ways of doing things instead of recognizing that change can make cattle ranching so much easier.

If you’ve been working in this awesome job for most of your life and aren’t sure about switching after all of this time, it’s okay. However, here are the top reasons you should consider changing your mind.

Easy Ways To Sort Animals By Age or Sex

Knowing the age of livestock is one of the most important things.  The period can tell you if an animal is supposed to be fully grown yet when it’s ready to be bred or culled, and whether it’s too old of an age to be of any use for milk anymore.  Using a program like Cattlemax will make cattle record keeping so much easier without the drag of having to worry if you’re making the right moves.

The Chance to Notice Trends By Relation

If you have a couple of steers suffering from the same issue, it’s a good idea to check if they’re related to ensure whether or not this could be a genetic issue.  Unfortunately, many who don’t have good bookkeeping may not catch this, leading to genetic problems being bred further down the line and more sick animals.

Easier Tracking of Veterinary Care

The veterinarian you use should keep track of your animal’s information as well: but you must have it in your books.  Using Cattlemax, you can pay attention to when the last vet visit was, how soon an animal will need attention, and what vaccinations your herd has.  This can allow you to budget for heavier spending months and keep you ready for the appointments as they approach.

Finding Information Is Much Simpler

If you want to look for your heaviest animal: you can check the records.  You can check which animals were easier to wean, which animals had better marbling or sold more, or even check which have gotten out of the pen before if you leave a note about it.  These are all useful things to know and great notes to have on hand when you need them.  Careful tracking this way will allow you to sort by any information you need without having to dig through a pen and paper notebook for hours.

More People Can Access Information

The best thing about Cattlemax is that if you can’t be around your animals when they need you, the information can still be accessed by someone you trust.  This ensures that your livestock sees no interruptions and that you don’t have to stress about anything quite as much.

You work hard in your daily life; taking care of livestock is a lot of work: save yourself the stress of keeping track of everything yourself.  Use the tools you can to make your life easier.

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