What These Divers Found Deep in the Ocean is Stranger than Science Fiction

Diver- Found-Deep

 City Of Thonis-Heracleion
It was thought that this extraordinary city of wealth visited by Helen of Troy was just a legend, but apparently the Egytian city of Thonis-Heracleion was buried under the sea

Archaeologist Frank Goddio
In the Bay of Aboukir on the coast of Egypt, underwater archaeologist Frank Goddio is unearthing the discovery of this mystical city with treasures that dates back to the 8th Century BC.

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A Sunken City
The city of Thonis, disappeared beneath the Mediterranean around 1,200 years ago and was found during a survey of the Egyptian shore.

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Egyptian History
Since divers have begun uncovering Thonis-Heracleion treasures, archaeologists are now piecing together a picture of what life was like in the city in an era of the pharaohs.

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A Trade Route & Center
The city was a main customs hub, which all trade from Greece and elsewhere in the Mediterranean entered Egypt. Life of these trade routes in historical times are now coming into view.

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Treasures Uncovered
Divers discovered the remains of more than 64 ships buried in the sea bed. Gold coins, bronze and stone weights have also been found, suggesting of the trade that went on.

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 Statues Found
Giant 16 foot statues have been uncovered and brought to the surface while archaeologists have uncovered hundreds of smaller statues on the sea floor.

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A Major City To Study
Dr. Damian Robinson, director of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the University of Oxford, said: “It is a major city we are excavating. . . The site has amazing preservation.”

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Why A Lost City?
Scientists aren’t sure what caused the city to slip into the water, but it’s thought that gradual sea level rise combined with a sudden collapse of the unstable ground the city was built on, caused the area to drop around 12 feet.

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Inscribed Stone To Read
Slabs of stone inscribed in both ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian have also been brought to the surface. How incredibly exciting!

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