15 Really SCAAARY Facts

“In 1933, a doctor named Carl Tanzler raided the tomb of a female patient with whom he’d become obsessed and stole her body. He lived with the corpse for seven years. As the body fell apart, he attached the corpse’s bones together with wire and coat hangers, and fitted the face with glass eyes. He was only caught when someone saw him dancing with the corpse in front of an open window.”

“The entire Universe outside our galaxy could have completely disappeared over 20,000 years ago and we still wouldn’t know it yet. Our view of the Universe is actually what it looked like anywhere from thousands to Billions of years ago -with no way to see what it actually looks like “right now”.”

About 200 dead bodies are still on Mt. Everest because it’s more effort and risk than it’s worth to retrieve them. Some of them serve as progress markers for other climbers.

Most of us don’t truly understand just how deep and vast the oceans are. There could be colossal beasts deep beneath the waves that we have no idea about.

There are as many as 100,000 active missing persons cases in the U.S. at any given time.

For those of you with children, you only have about 1000 weekends with them before they are adults.

Approximately 54 million people that are alive right now will be dead within 12 months.

“That right now, this very moment, someone is trapped against their will, probably suffering at the hands of someone else, and wondering if anyone “out there” is thinking about them or remembers them.”

“We are each going to do die in some specific, unknown place. You may pass it every day. It may be home — the safest place you know. It may be a gas station. It may be somewhere you have absolutely no knowledge of, surrounded by people you don’t now know. But no matter what, that place is out there right now, just waiting for you to show up.”

“A brain aneurysm can happen at anytime, to any living healthy person, that will cause instantaneous death, but also has nearly no prior symptoms for detection. So you could just breathe your last breath at any moment in your life and there is nothing to warn you of it.”

The yogurt you eat is alive.

“A dead body moves, a lot, and makes noises because of gas and air build ups.They fart, they burp, they clear their throats, they sigh and moan. They twitch, they roll their heads and shoulders. They open their eyes and their limbs twitch. This can happen a couple of days after death has occurred.”

“There is a fungus that releases spores that allows the spore to control ants. It then proceeds to make the ant kill itself.”

“That there are billions of people who have died and now are forgotten and unless we do something significant as individuals, the same will happen to us.”

A blue whale has veins so large that you could swim inside of them.

One comment

  1. Arthur J. Brozowsky Jr.

    We are also going to die at a specific time that we don’t know; from a specific thing that we don’t know. As far as the aneurysm is concerned we could also have a heart attack, stroke, or seizure.

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