A collection showcasing the most ridiculous and laughable ideas ever presented on the show.
1. Cool Wazoo

“Cool Wazoo. It was a cloth or something that you put on a swing at the park if it’s hot out, to keep it from burning your child’s b—. The entrepreneur was a very nice woman, but trouble seemed to follow her around. She was always out of inventory or she got a shipment from her manufacturer which was all damaged, stuff like that. She was hapless and helpless, there’s no way you could believe that she was going to turn it around and four sharks went out quickly. Lori thought there was enough there and made a deal and it’s still in business.”
2. Cerebral Success

“Cerebral Success – supplement that increased memory/focus. Mark and Lori tore it apart. But Barbara was like if it helps anyone focus I don’t care if it’s scientifically proven.”
3. The Platetopper

“I love how she gave him 10 times the money for only 6 times the equity yet somehow he didn’t jump on the offer right away. Makes no sense at all. Then Daymond added another 100K and dropped the equity by 5 points. Absolutely ridiculous how this guy played it and ended up with a lower evaluation than he opened with.”
4. His & Hers Bar

“The His & Her Aphrodisiac Bar couple. Dude turned the fake tears on pretty quick to try to muster some offers lol The couple was just awkward and felt very phony.”
5. The Pavlok

“The Pavlok is pretty iconic. It’s just a bracelet that you can shock yourself with and bro sold it as a therapy product.”
6. Tail Lightz

“Little lights that went on your back jean pockets that made it uncomfortable to sit down. No deal and now out of business.”
7. Throx

“Throx, socks that come with three instead of two in case you lose one.”
8. The Body Jac

“Going back to early seasons- The Body Jac. It is comical that a dude who is around 280 pounds of pure beef jerky gets a deal for his fitness company.”
9. Cougar Energy Drinks

“I lost it in that pitch for Cougar energy drinks when Kevin said ‘Barbara, you used to be a cougar” (emphasis mine).’”
10. Roldoc

“While rewatching Shark Tank, I came across this pitch of RoloDoc in Season 5. They had this idea to introduce a social media for doctors and connect them to patients on the app itself for e-medical consultations. They were ridiculed and their idea was disparaged. But now, as we know telemedicine is a billion dollar industry. They were literally the pioneers of it The idea seemed way ahead of its time back then but it just shows how much things can change.”
11. Sticky Note Holders

“The lady who created a post-it note holder for the laptop and had not sold any.”
12. Elephant Chat

“There’s an early episode where a couple pitches a stuffed elephant that is supposed to help you discuss wait for it THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. It was beyond cringe to watch and all the sharks were like why can’t you just communicate normally with the person you chose to marry?”
13. Vestpakz

“Vestpakz, the way the sharks uncovered the whole story and burst out laughing upon realizing it took them 16 years to bring this product to market. The kicker was Kevin’s line “in the case of this product, whether we get together now or another decade who cares? It’s just another blip in the long duration of how long this has been around.”
14. The Sullivan Generator

“Doesn’t anyone remember the guy with the machine that could turn ocean water into gold? One of my favorite pitches, but definitely a dumb product.”
15. Love Sync

“A subscription service for an app where you tap a button to let the person laying 2 feet next to you in bed that you want to f—k? Genius. Pure genius.”
16. The Skinny Mirror

“The slim mirror was such a joke to me. Then when she said retailers were who were interested I felt like jumping through the screen! Absolutely no ethics to be found with this scam.”