30 Old Things That Still Look Awesome Today

“Here’s my 1942 Lee Enfield that allegedly survived Normandy.”

“My Braun AB 313 sl alarm clock from 1993, almost as old as me works like a charm and can practically run forever on one battery.”

“1947 kelvinator still the original compressor still keeps my beer cold”

“30 years. Still lights first try.”

“Here’s my great grandfather’s foldable ruler.”

“My mom passed me her grandpa’s pocket watch, circa 1900. After 50 years in a dresser, I wound it up and started working flawlessly.”

“Managed to score an Yrjö Kukkapuro Office chair from the 70s”

“For $6 in 1907 you could have bought something that still fires 114 years later”

“1950s Haywood-Wakefield end tables I’m restoring.”

“Merrill winter boots – purchased in January 1996. They have seen a lot of snow and ice in the Rockies and now Midwest. Still look almost brand new.”

“What an actual BIFL (built it for life) belt looks like after 10 years of consistent wear”

“These pliers my dad gave me around 25 years ago.”

“Steel scissors engraved with “Kingshead Betakut Italy.” My parents got them way before I was born 40+ years ago, and they still work brilliantly, never needed to sharpen once”

“My 1981 Sharps Carousel Microwave was a Christmas Present from my Hubby that same year. My then 20 year self was beyond thrilled and its still the only microwave I’ve ever had. It does take up some space for sure but it still serves me well. Plus, I still have the cooking book that came with it.”

“Frigidaire RD-20-64. Serving this home since 1964 and EVERY feature is functional”

“Our Mom is finally parting ways with her 44yo toaster”

“This antique brass glass with handcrafted engraved design was given to my grandmother on her wedding around 55 years back & now is used by my mother.”

“Was complaining to my BIL over Xmas about how the Stanley I bought keeps breaking. He gave me this old one that was my grandpas. Just noticed the old inscription “it will not break””

“My grandfather’s jacket by that he’s had since the early 70’s.”

“My mom was given this as a wedding gift in the early 80s and it’s still the only mixer she owns”

“This doorbell that’s at least 25 years old. It’s so loud it still gives everyone a heart attack to this day.”

“My Grandma’s 40+ year old Kitchenaid that I received upon her passing. It has made 100s of loaves of bread and tens of thousands of cookies worth of dough.”

“Update: Snap-On 50th Anniversary Tool Chest”

“My car turned 30 today and rolled over 247,000 miles. KBB says it’s worth no more than $1,318 ($250 on a trade-in). Guess I may as well keep it.”

“On the anniversary of my grandfather’s death, I pulled out the ole’ Craftsman crawler to change my oil. Still going strong after 70+ years.”

“Vintage Gitzo tripod circa late 1960s. Still works perfectly. Professional quality will last you a lifetime.”

“My billfold was showing heavy wear, so I shrank the leather and reconditioned it. It’s ready for many more years of service now.”

“Finished restoring my 1963 Snap-On KRA-61B. Ready for another 50+ years.”

“Bottom one is me, exactly 20 years ago, when my mum owned this car. Top one is me now, proud owner of said car, which took me to 9 country so far.”

“Found this gem at a flea market. My mother has had hers for over 30 years.”

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