Science Answers 10 Mind Boggling Questions

There are some things in life you can’t answer, but science sure has the answer to a lot of things. Here are a few answers to things we all ask ourselves from time to time.


Everyone knows that feeling when you’re about half-way through your morning coffee and then immediately looking for the bathroom. This happens because coffee helps stimulate muscle contractions in your large intestine and next thing you know, BOOM!


Morning wood, scientifically known as nocturnal penile tumescence, serves to stretch out the two sponge-like areas that cause erections. For healthy men it is natural to have this happen 3-5 times a night.


Your two nostrils are a team that work together to help you breathe, but they split the workload. Even when you’re not sick, one nostril is doing more work than the other. Your autonomic nervous system, which takes care of things you don’t consciously control, will switch this for you.


Your brain makes you throw up because it thinks it’s being poisoned. When you throw up there are three main reasons why: irritation of your brain, irritation of your stomach, or irritation of your hormones. Your brain gets irritated when the fluid in your brain and your inner ears are different and might eject your stomach’s contents.


Everyone has held in some gas now and again, but can it do damage to you? Holding in a fart can cause bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms, but worst of all it can cause hemorrhoids or even a distended bowel. But don’t worry, because you’ll release the gas as soon as you fall asleep before any of these things occur.


Your hair actually has no color to it at all. Hair color depends on pigment secretion and this is why it might change over time. When your body ages, it slowly stops producing the pigment and the hair returns to its natural state. Some people’s bodies stop producing the pigment sooner than others.


Well, that’s because you consumed a shit-ton of alcohol. When you drink alcohol it makes you pee more and in turn dehydrates you. Along with that, alcohol slows down the rate that the stomach empties itself and increases production of stomach acids, which can lead to nausea. Drinking also causes blood vessels to dilate producing that pounding headache.


Sweaty palms can be caused by two things: emotional stress and your body trying to regulate its temperature. When you get nervous, scared, or excited your sympathetic nervous system will stimulate Eccrine glands on your face, palms, armpits, and more.


People once believed if you peed in the pool that it would create a toxic chemical called cyanogen chloride, which is similar to tear gas. The amount of chlorine needed for this reaction would probably melt your skin, so it’s safe to say you can pee in the pool. Still, I’m not saying you should.


The reasons why you uncontrollably sing are more based on theory. People feel relaxed and comfortable in the shower and they’re also alone (well, sometimes). When your body is physically comfortable, you become for mentally comfortable making you more apt to sing. Another theory is that everything surrounding you creates a great acoustic environment that makes your voice seem fuller.

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