This 12-Year-Old Girl Redecorate Her Family’s Home In A Week For Just $125

“She’s very precise whereas one might call my style ‘slap-dash’ so what turned out to be a lesson in parental expertise backfired when she showed how good and how capable she could be”

“When she got her confidence, she then would suggest ideas to me”

“For example, for the kitchen reno, we had to use what we had as the stores were shut so she recommended painting the cupboards mismatched and it looked great”

Levache told her daughter to go ahead and try what she wanted as she had all the time in the world to remedy any mistakes. This stopped any tensions from overwhelming Bea and helped her massively. “She now uses the handsaw, spirit level, electric drill, sander, and tile cutter confidently,” her mom said. “She even had a go at stenciling and her next project is to renovate her brother’s room using some carpentry skills.”

Even Caper, the family dog, enjoyed the way everything turned out

“She was really worried initially but with some guidance and knowing there was no jeopardy, she went ahead”

Levache herself is an avid recycler, and it really contributed to the redecoration. “I love to reuse and to repurpose and I like this process to be circular, not linear, so I have quite a stash of old handles, old frames, tired old broken furniture in my shed along with paint I have from previous jobs.”

“In terms of our budget, it was actually very little because we already had timber, glue, paints and old handles, etc., so in real terms, we spent about $100-$150 on extra items,” Levache explained. “But everything else, we either raided the attic or painted stuff from other rooms to give it a new lease of life. We had a really productive week and did countless rooms in about 10 days and we are still going.”

The mom said they know quite a few people who really want to change their environment but they don’t feel they have the skills or confidence to give it a go. So she and her daughter are over the moon now that they have had messages from moms, wives, and from kids internationally saying they’ve redecorated and are loving changing their spaces, all because of them.

“The one thing we keep saying is, ‘If we can do it, anyone can’. And you don’t have to spend lots of money”

Since then, the family home project has moved on and now looks a little something like this

People absolutely loved the transformation

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